Welcome to the CornaStore Podcast. This platform is brought to you by four close friends born and raised from the Southside of Chicago. The hosts are Phil, Eric, Nelly and Rob. We came up with the name CornaStore as we reminisced growing up as inner-city kids and reflecting on the many corner stores surrounding our community. As we reflect on those experiences as teenagers going to a corner store, we realize those stores were our first Amazon-type establishments. At any corner store, you can purchase beauty products, deli meat, screw drivers, candy, etc. This space is our virtual man-cave to give our perspective on many issues that will be put upon us as we consume minute by minute social media stories and trends. We hope you enjoy the content and please feel free to subscribe and continue to follow us as we touch on many topics that the mainstream media would never cover. The views expressed here are our own and not necessarily those of our employer.